D ring thimble stainless steel, also known as D ring thimble round shave, designed to support wire rope & webbing on shade sail corners.
D Ring Thimble, generally sewn into the webbing of a shade sail to create a secure fixing point between the sail and an anchor point.
Stainless steel D rings with thimble have a floating rolled ring inside a welded thimble.
D Ring with round shave thimble for sun shade sails, made from marine grade stainless steel 304/316.
D ring thimble round shave wire rope D-ring is specifically designed for general purpose, marine and shade sail applications and for use with seatbelt webbing.
Industrial fasteners serve as connections between outdoor fabric and support structures to extend service life.
Use with SolaMesh shade sail fabric or a comparable HDPE knitted shade cloth. Uses include shading structures such as buttocks and ridges or tension film shading sails.